Resources for Staff

These resources are designed to help staff deepen their understanding of psychological health and safety, expand their knowledge, and develop valuable skills with additional support.

Workplace Strategies for staff

Workplace Strategies for staff: A collection of resources for both staff and their families.(e.g. Emotional Intelligence, Healthy break activities, resolving personal conflict, etc.) Watch this video to learn more.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

  • Workplace Strategies Resources by Job role: Choose the job role that is most relevant to the content you’re looking for. For example, you may be a human resources professional who is also a manager and an employee with a family. If you’re looking for help with policy development, choose Human resources. If you’re looking for help with team building, choose People leader. If you’re looking for help with loss and grief, choose Employee or caregiver.
  • Workplace Strategies Resources by Topic: Choose a topic and you’ll be able to see all relevant resources with the content that is most comprehensive at the top.
Promoting Inclusion in the Workplace
Addressing Mental Health Stigma

Stigma, together with misinformation about mental illness, can delay the decision to seek treatment and make it difficult for those who are managing mental illness in the workplace. Do your part to reduce stigma - Get the facts on Stigma and Discrimination around Mental Health Problems and find out why Mental Health is Everyone's Concern. Click here for more.

Learning Opportunities

Explore exciting learning options that will raise awareness and strengthen your skills in supporting your own mental well-being and that of your colleagues.