Our Foundation

Interested in giving back to Kingston Health Sciences Centre?

The University Hospitals Kingston Foundation (UHKF) is the registered charitable organization that supports both KHSC sites.

Government funding alone cannot supply all the equipment needed, and KHSC depends on the generosity of community donors to fund lifesaving equipment. Because of the generosity of many people, businesses, foundations and others from across the region, UHKF is able to make a difference in Kingston’s hospitals through redevelopment, patient care, research and education.

Did you know that you can choose where you want your gift to be used? You can ask that your gift go to specific areas that have touched your life or the lives of others in our community, such as cardiac care, surgery, neonatal intensive care, cancer care. You can also help fund much needed equipment, research, or staff education. You may want to direct your gift where needed most, providing the hospital with the ability to purchase high priority items.

UHKF staff are always available to speak with you about your gift.

Contact us by calling 613-549-5452 or stop by the office in person at 55 Rideau St., Suite #4 in downtown Kingston.

With your support we will make a difference as every gift matters.

Donate today.

Learn more about UHKF.