
The ophthalmology experts at KHSC provide a wide range of diagnosis, care and treatment for various conditions related to the human eye.   


There are three different ophthalmology clinics at Hotel Dieu Hospital site. Please refer to your appointment notice to be sure you attend the right clinic. 

Ophthalmology  & Urgent Eye Care Clinic
Mary Alice, Level 1 
Registration: Mary Alice, Level 1

Low Vision Rehabilitation Clinic
Johnson, Level 2
Registration: Johnson, Level 2 

Ophthalmology Clinic
Johnson, Level 6
Registration: Jeanne Mance, Level 6

Contact information 

You can reach us by calling 613-544-3400 extension 2645

Hours of operation 

Monday - Friday 
8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 


Patients require a referral from their family doctor or another health care professional. 


  • Cataract surgery
  • Comprehensive ophthalmology
  • Cornea & external disease
  • Glaucoma
  •  Low vision rehabilitation 
  • Neuro-ophthalmology
  • Ophthalmic plastic surgery and orbit
  • Pediatric ophthalmology
  • Refractive surgery
  • Retina
  • Urgent eye clinic (referral required)
  • Uveitis
  • Ocular pathology


Please bring:

  • your appointment slip which includes the time and date of your appointment
  • your Health Card (OHIP card)
  • an current medication list including inhalers and over-the-counter medication to every appointment
  • You are welcome to bring a family member or friend for support or personal assistance.  They are welcome to attend your clinic visit with you if you wish. You may also want to bring a snack in case your clinic appointment is delayed or runs late.

What you can expect 

  • Dilation or diagnostic testing may be required depending on the type of appointment you are scheduled for. Please refer to your appointment notice for more detailed information about your specific appointment. 


Occasionally patients are billed for services. When this happens you will be notified in advance. For details on how to pay a bill, please visit our Billing and Expenses page.