Help shape the future of health care in southeastern Ontario

Kingston Health Sciences Centre is looking for a volunteer for the board of directors

The board of directors is comprised of up to 14 elected volunteers who bring specific skills and are responsible for oversight of KHSC's strategy, risk management, financial management, internal controls, reporting and communications. 

As a member of this board, you will have an opportunity to shape and determine how best to deliver services and programs to ensure care is delivered where it is needed most, to transform patients' experiences, and to improve the health of people across the region.  

Annually, each spring, Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) seeks new Board member applications from the local community or southeastern Ontario - those served by KHSC - who are interested in using their expertise to make a difference in the future of our communities by helping to shape and determine the acute-complex, specialty and ambulatory care for the community and region.

Please click here to review the role of the KHSC Board; the areas of focus and experiences that would be assets to the Board.

The governance committee of the board oversees the nominating process and encourages applicants with diverse backgrounds and who reside in KHSC's catchment area.  

Interested applicants are invited to apply online, or complete the application form and either email it to @email, fax it to 613-544-8333, or mail it to: KHSC Board of Directors Governance Committee, 166 Brock Street, Jeanne Mance 6, Kingston, K7L 5G2 Attention: Sandy Wilson, Committee Chair. Please feel free to contact our office if you have questions at 613-544-3400, Ext. 3473.

Board-related documents:

Conflict of Interest

Responsibilities of Individual Directors

Privacy, Confidentiality and Security of Information

Nominations Process for the Board

Board Orientation and Education

Board and committee attendance