Preparing to leave the hospital

To make sure your stay goes smoothly, we will work with you and your family to plan ahead for when it is time to leave the hospital. This plan includes an estimated discharge date and follow up information. We will give you a discharge summary of the care you received at Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC). With your permission, this discharge summary will also be sent to your family doctor. Discharge time for our inpatient units usually occurs at 10 a.m. each day.
We know that leaving the hospital may be stressful as there are many things to keep in mind. To help, you can use this list below to make sure that nothing has been missed before you leave and that all your questions have been answered. If you answer ‘no’ to any of these items, please speak with a member of your care team.
We always recommend that patients have someone with them at discharge time or pick them up when it is time to leave the hospital. If you don’t have a family member or friend who can drive you, there are a number of transportation options available for you such as a patient transport service or taxi. For more information about these services, please speak to a member of your care team. Please keep in mind the hospital does not cover these transportation costs and patients and families should be prepared to pay for any transportation fee(s).
If you are a resident of Ontario, there may be some portions of your stay in the hospital that are not covered by OHIP (for example: private/semi-private room). You will receive a bill from KHSC before you are discharged from the hospital. For more information on billing and expenses, please click here.
As a hospital organization that provides specialty care for Southeastern Ontario, we work closely with other health-care organizations to meet the needs of patients in our region. This means that you may be transferred to KHSC from another hospital to undergo a test, procedure, surgery or to receive more complex care. Once you have received the care you require at KHSC, you will be able to return to the hospital that originally admitted you. This system is good for patients because you are able to return to a hospital, or long-term care facility closer to your home. It also means that KHSC will have room to admit other patients who need the specialized care that we provide. We continue to partner with health-care providers across our region to reduce the number of patients waiting for transfer to other facilities and improve patient flow. A member of your care team will talk to you and your family about repatriation when the time is right.
Once you leave the hospital, you may receive care and support services from any number of community care and support service agencies as you continue to recover and transition to your home setting. The following organizations provide support to individuals outside of the hospital.