Our strategic priorities

After a significant engagement with patients, partners and care providers in the renal space across southeastern Ontario, we are choosing to narrow our focus on the following strategic directions.

This strategy outlines our goals, objectives and approach to supporting renal patient care over the next four years and will leverage innovative models of care to ensure improved patient outcomes.  to guide the next four years of our programming and keep us aligned with our peers in the Ontario Renal Network. 

Strategic priority 1: Further regionalization + equitable access to services 

This priority focuses on improving access to all services by:

  •  Providing care closer to home
  • Strengthening partnerships with relevant care and service providers
  • Improving logistics and technological supports
  • Performing educational outreach across our region
  • Focusing on support for Indigenous and diverse populations

Aligns with ORP 4 goals Advancing Equity in Kidney Care & Improve Access to Timely and Effective Kidney Care.

Strategic priority 2: Improve support for patient transitions in care

This priority focuses on improving the experience for patients who transfer between service areas and care providers by:

  • Working closely with patients to develop care plans
  • Aiming for more timely and detailed education, training and dialogue with patients and their families
  • Having quality goals-of-care discussions

Aligns with ORP4 goal to Partner with Patients and Care Partners to Drive Improvement in Kidney Care

Strategic priority 3: Grow collaborative care model & integration of allied health 

This priority focuses on enhancing collaboration and coordination in care by:

  • Expanding team rounds care models
  • Reviewing internal communication and engagement practices
  • Supporting timely access to multidisciplinary team care when and where needed

Aligns with ORP4 goals to Drive Quality and Value by supporting a Sustainable Kidney Care System & Improve Access to Timely and Effective Kidney Care.