Frequently Asked Questions

What precautions are used to prevent the spread of VRE in the hospital?

Here at KGH we do not routinely place patients on precautions or isolate those who carry or are infected with VRE. Routine Practices are used because VRE, like other germs can be spread from one person to another by contact; hand hygiene is critical to preventing the spread of all infections in a healthcare setting. Health care providers are routinely required to clean their hands before, during and after patient contact. We also clean and disinfect all patient rooms and equipment to help stop the spread of VRE and other germs. 

Do I need a referral?

Yes, referrals are required for both the non-urgent and urgent Adult Mental Health Program streams.

  • The non-urgent stream requires a referral from a medical doctor or nurse practitioner. If you do not have a family physician, we accept referrals from walk-in clinics.

  • Referrals from the urgent stream are ONLY accepted internally from the KGH Emergency Department, HDH Urgent Care Centre, Inpatient Mental Health & Addiction Program, and the Consult/Liaison Psychiatry Team.

What happens after I am referred?

Once a non-urgent referral is received, the referring practitioner will receive correspondence either accepting the referral and advising of the current wait time or recommending alternate services that may better fit your needs.

Once we have accepted your referral, you will be placed on a waitlist for a telephone call from an intake nurse, which could take up to a year, dependant on the current referral volume.  At the time of intake call, you will either be given an appointment, or be placed on our waitlist for the next available appointment.

Once an urgent referral is received, you will be contacted by an intake nurse. We aim to contact patients referred from the Emergency Department or Inpatient Mental Health Unit within 72 hours, however this may take longer depending on when the referral was received, and whether we need to obtain collateral information.

At the time of intake call, you will either be given an appointment, be placed on our waitlist for the next available appointment or be advised that your case will be discussed during interdisciplinary rounds with an outcome to follow.

What can I expect when referred through the urgent stream?

You can expect various outcomes, based on your referral and the intake information gathered:

  • You may be booked with psychiatry
  • You may be placed on a waitlist for a future appointment
  • You may be enrolled in group psychotherapy
  • We may recommend services that better meet your needs
  • Your referral may be closed owing to adequate services already in place for you
What services are not provided?

The Adult Mental Health Program is unable to provide the following services:

  • Disability follow-up appointments as part of employment Insurance

  • Canada Pension Plan

  • Workplace Safety & insurance Board

  • Ontario Disability Support Program requirements

  • Independent Medical Evaluations for Court & Child Welfare Assessments

  • Forensics or Capacity Assessments.

The non-urgent stream does not offer counseling services, crisis services, or urgent appointments.

How long will I be followed in the Adult Mental Health Program?

Length of treatment is patient-specific. Some patients have just one consult visit and some may have short-term follow-up. It is not within the program’s mandate or capacity to follow patients for a significant length of time. Our model always anticipates patient care will be resumed by a primary care provider.

The urgent stream is a brief intervention service.

What areas do we serve?

The AMHP sees patients in the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington area. If you reside outside of that area and have questions about what mental health agency is in your area, please contact our clinical intake coordinator at 613-544-3400 ext. 3700 or search the Connex Ontario website.

What If I need medication refills?

If your psychiatrist starts you on a medication, they may prescribe it themselves or they may recommend your referring practitioner initiate the medication. Once you have been discharged from the AMHP, it will be the responsibility of your referring practitioner to continue prescribing the medication. Should you not have a family physician, we recommend attending a walk-in clinic to access refills.

We are unable to book patients for a psychiatric assessment solely for the purpose of providing medication refills.

Will a health care learner be present during my appointment?

As part of KHSC, and in collaboration with Queen’s University, St. Lawrence College and other educational institutions we often have students and learners from across many disciplines participate in our various clinics.

  • Psychiatry residents (licensed medical doctor that is undergoing their psychiatry training)

  • Clinical fellows (a licensed psychiatrist who is training in a specialized psychiatric field)

In the Adult Mental Health program we have both international and Canadian doctors training in sub-specialty streams.

  • Clerk/Medical student present for your assessment. All psychiatric care will be provided under the supervision of AMHP Staff Psychiatrist, who you may or may not see in-person.

  • Allied Health care providers - Many of our allied health care providers also provide field placements or internships for several disciplines including nursing, occupational therapy, and social work which may involve learners working in the services being provided to you by our provided.

What if I cannot attend my appointment?  Do you have a no-show policy? 

We have very high referral volume and a lengthy waitlist; therefore, it is important that you attend your appointments. However, if you must cancel, please notify us at least 24 hours prior, so that we can fill the vacant spot. If you cancel in advance, we will gladly rebook you, however, please be advised that you may have to wait several months.

A no-show for a new patient assessment will result in an automatic file closure, and a re-referral will be required to be seen again.

What is a group session?

A group session allows people to learn new skills and hear from others who may have similar experiences dealing with mental health concerns. Participants may share their thoughts and feelings with others if they are comfortable.

Will my appointment be in person or virtually?

Your appointment may occur in person or virtually.  This will be discussed during your telephone intake when your email address is collected by the intake nurse.  You will be provided an appointment notice letter with this information.

For a virtual appointment, the secretary will email you a link to attend. This link may not be sent until the day before your scheduled appointment and will provide clear instructions on how to proceed. Please note that you must use the internet browser Chrome for the virtual visit to be effective. 

Are there other services/resources available?

Other resources can be found on the Community Resources page

What should I bring with me to the hospital?

You should bring your Health Card, insurance information, credit card, medications in original containers as well as a housecoat and slippers. We also encourage patients to bring their CPAP or BiPAP machines from home in order to assist your breathing as you recover from surgery.

If you are staying in the hospital after your surgery and would like to have some personal belongings with you during your stay, please have a family member bring them once your surgery is complete and you have arrived in your hospital room. If your are being discharged the day of your surgery ( going home once recovered), do not bring any extra belongings with you.

Please do not bring valuables (e.g. large amounts of money, jewellery) of any kind to the hospital.  


What should I bring with me to the hospital?

You should bring your Health Card, insurance information, credit card, medications in original containers as well as a housecoat and slippers. We also encourage patients to bring their CPAP or BiPAP machines from home in order to assist your breathing as you recover from surgery.

If you are staying in the hospital after your surgery and would like to have some personal belongings with you during your stay, please have a family member bring them once your surgery is complete and you have arrived in your hospital room. If your are being discharged the day of your surgery ( going home once recovered), do not bring any extra belongings with you.

Please do not bring valuables (e.g. large amounts of money, jewellery) of any kind to the hospital.  


What should I bring with me to the hospital?

You should bring your Health Card, insurance information, credit card, medications in original containers as well as a housecoat and slippers. We also encourage patients to bring their CPAP or BiPAP machines from home in order to assist your breathing as you recover from surgery.

If you are staying in the hospital after your surgery and would like to have some personal belongings with you during your stay, please have a family member bring them once your surgery is complete and you have arrived in your hospital room. If your are being discharged the day of your surgery ( going home once recovered), do not bring any extra belongings with you.

Please do not bring valuables (e.g. large amounts of money, jewellery) of any kind to the hospital.  


What should I expect at my appointment?

You will begin by meeting with a genetic counsellor or medical geneticist who will review your (or your child's) medical and family history. If it is needed, the medical geneticist will do a physical exam. Additional tests may also be recommended. If a condition is diagnosed they will review information about the condition, what it may mean for your family, and discuss plans for management and follow-up care.

What steps does your hospital take if your hand hygiene compliance rates are too low?

KGH works hard-to create a culture of patient safety involves everyone – health care administration, health -care professionals, and, of course, patients and families. If low hand hygiene compliance rates are identified, we will review infection prevention and control practices to ensure that they align with best practices documents, as well as the Just Clean Your Hands program and introduce educational interventions and make appropriate revisions to our program.

What steps does your hospital take if your hand hygiene compliance rates are too low?

KGH works hard-to create a culture of patient safety involves everyone – health care administration, health -care professionals, and, of course, patients and families. If low hand hygiene compliance rates are identified, we will review infection prevention and control practices to ensure that they align with best practices documents, as well as the Just Clean Your Hands program and introduce educational interventions and make appropriate revisions to our program.

What can patients do to help improve their own safety?

Hand hygiene involves everyone in the hospital, including patients. Hand cleaning is one of the best ways you and your health care team can prevent the spread of many infections. Patients and their visitors should also practice good hand hygiene before and after entering patient rooms.

More information is available at:

What steps does your hospital take if your hand hygiene compliance rates are too low?

KGH works hard-to create a culture of patient safety involves everyone – health care administration, health -care professionals, and, of course, patients and families. If low hand hygiene compliance rates are identified, we will review infection prevention and control practices to ensure that they align with best practices documents, as well as the Just Clean Your Hands program and introduce educational interventions and make appropriate revisions to our program.

Why are hand hygiene compliance rates reported annually and not quarterly?

For the purpose of public reporting, data will be reported on an annual basis. The decision was made to report annually so that hospitals were able to submit enough data and that the compliance rate was statistically valid.

Do low rates mean that patients have a higher risk of catching a hospital associated infection?

Patients should know that their hospital is safe, that the care they receive is topnotch, and that every effort is made to ensure the highest quality of care possible. Public reporting of hand hygiene compliance rates is another helpful measure to ensure the care provided to Ontario patients is even safer, and continues to improve over time. 

A low reported compliance rate does not necessarily mean that health care providers are not performing hand hygiene. The audit tool measures whether health care providers are performing hand hygiene at the right times and the right way. That is why it is vital that hand hygiene compliance rates are viewed in the context of other performance indicators. That said, the analysis of these rates, over time will certainly provide helpful information that can be used to make system improvements in each hospital.

Does less than 100-per-cent compliance mean the hospital is not safe?

No. Patient safety is a number one priority for all Ontario hospitals. There are numerous checks and balances in place to ensure the safety of public hospitals but hospital care is complicated and depends on many factors. The public reporting of hospitals’ hand hygiene compliance rates is not intended to serve as a measure for hospitals to compare themselves against other organizations, or for the public to use as a measure of where to seek care. Rates can vary from hospital to hospital, month to month. Some hospitals will have lower observation opportunities because they do not have as much direct provider-to-patient care opportunities. Due to the types and patient populations (i.e. mental health) of these hospitals, their rates may seem lower. Like other indicators, it is important to look at hand hygiene compliance rates in a broader context. The rates must be examined in order to get a sense of how hospitals are performing – where they excel and where improvements could be made. It is important to look at all of these indicators in combination.

If hand hygiene is so important, why is compliance not 100 per cent?

Health care providers performing hand hygiene is a practice that continues to improve as we learn more about hand hygiene best practices. Both hospitals and the health care system have invested considerable resources to improve hand hygiene in hospitals.

The Public Health Ontario provincial hand hygiene campaign, Just Clean Your Hands, was designed to help hospitals and individuals overcome barriers to proper hand hygiene and improve compliance with hand hygiene best practices. The program recognizes that health care providers are busy and require immediate access to hand hygiene products at the right time in the patient care process.

At KGH, for example, where sinks used to be located inconveniently throughout hospitals, there is now fast and easy access to more than 2,200 alcohol-based hand rubs outside all inpatient rooms and adjacent to patients’ bedsides. There are also more freestanding hand cleaning stations located at all main entrances. In addition, ongoing education sessions are held to ensure health care providers know when and where to clean their hands to ensure patient safety.

How do you track hand hygiene?

Direct observation of hand hygiene practice is done by trained observers using the provincial audit tool. The observer conducts observations openly, recording what they see, with the identity of the health care provider is kept confidential.

Why is hand hygiene so important?

The single most common transmission of healthcare-associated infections in a health care setting is via the hands of health care providers.

Health care providers acquire germs from contact with infected patients, or after handling contaminated material or equipment. Hand hygiene is an important practice for health care providers but also involves everyone in the hospital, including patients, families and visitors.

Effective hand hygiene practices in hospitals play a key role in improving patient and health care worker safety, and in preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

What is hand hygiene?

Hand hygiene is the removal of visible soil and removal or killing of microorganisms from the hands. This can be accomplished using soap and water for visibly soiled hands or an alcohol-based hand rub.

What steps does your hospital take if your hand hygiene compliance rates are too low?

KGH works hard-to create a culture of patient safety involves everyone – health care administration, health -care professionals, and, of course, patients and families. If low hand hygiene compliance rates are identified, we will review infection prevention and control practices to ensure that they align with best practices documents, as well as the Just Clean Your Hands program and introduce educational interventions and make appropriate revisions to our program.

What to bring
  • Pack a 3-day wardrobe, comfy clothes without strings, slippers, personal scent-free toiletries and a medication list.
  • Soft covered reading materials, non-spiral bound notebooks, writing and small hobby supplies (i.e. pencils, crayons, markers, word searches and crosswords) are permitted.
  • Phones, laptops, and tablets are allowed but have specific usage hours and guidelines.

Any items that can be a threat or danger to patients and/or staff will be stored in a secure patient specific location and illegal items or substances will be confiscated and disposed of.

Items to leave at home
  • Sharp objects, overly-scented items, fire-producing items, inappropriate clothing or items and substances are not permitted.

Please avoid bringing valuables. If items cannot be sent home, they will be stored in a secure location; however, KHSC is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged valuables.

When can I see my schedule in Kronos?

New Employees who are a part of Kronos may notice that there is a delay in the creation of their schedule. This delay can take about a week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your manager. 

When can I see my schedule in Kronos?

New Employees who are a part of Kronos may notice that there is a delay in the creation of their schedule. This delay can take about a week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your manager. 

When can I see my schedule in Kronos?

New Employees who are a part of Kronos may notice that there is a delay in the creation of their schedule. This delay can take about a week. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your manager. 

When does my child need emergency care for a respiratory illness?
  • You know your child best.  If your child has the following symptoms, then you should go to the Emergency Department, COPC Urgent Care, or Urgent Care Centre. 
    • fever in infants less than 3 months
    • fever lasting more than 5 days in children older than 3 months  
    • signs of respiratory distress (working hard to breathe, breathing faster than normal)
    • signs of dehydration with dry mouth or no urine for more than 8 hours.
  • Some respiratory illness symptoms are not an emergency and could continue to be cared for at home.  These include:
    • fever, when it stays down in healthy and vaccinated babies and children when treated with ibuprofen or acetaminophen (children appear generally well and playful)
    • nasal congestion and cough (even if it interrupts sleep)
    • vomiting or diarrhea less than 3-4 times a day.
  • Remember that there are many different health services available in our community to help you before you turn to emergency or urgent care in the hospital.  Choosing the best option may be faster and save you a hospital visit.
  • Click here for recommendations on going to the right place for the right care.
What else can I do as a parent to help protect my child?
  • Consider masking in public spaces, isolate children if they are not feeling well, make sure they are vaccinated against COVID-19 and influenza, practice good hand hygiene at all times and practice physical distancing whenever possible.
  • To learn more about how to care for children with respiratory illnesses such as RSV, influenza and COVID-19, click here. Note that children who have symptoms, including fever, that lasts beyond five days should be seen by a doctor.



When I leave KGH, how do I know which medications to continue with and which to stop?

Upon discharge, your doctor or nurse will give you instructions on which medications you should continue at home, which medications you should stop at home and which ones you should start taking.

When should I arrive for my surgery?

A member of our team will call you the night before your surgery (any time after 2:00 p.m.) to confirm the time that you are required to arrive at KGH’s Same Day Admission Centre which is located on Connell 2. 

Where are the computer labs?

The two computer labs at the KGH site are located on Dietary 2 (capacity of 8 people per lab).

The computer lab at the HDH site is located on Jonson 1 (capacity of 6 people).

*Please note that these rooms have a required maximum capacity (listed above) due to COVID-19 restrictions. Physical distancing and masking protocols should be adhered to while in these spaces.

Where are the computer labs?

The two computer labs at the KGH site are located on Dietary 2 (capacity of 8 people per lab).

The computer lab at the HDH site is located on Jonson 1 (capacity of 6 people).

*Please note that these rooms have a required maximum capacity (listed above) due to COVID-19 restrictions. Physical distancing and masking protocols should be adhered to while in these spaces.

Where are the computer labs?

The two computer labs at the KGH site are located on Dietary 2 (capacity of 8 people per lab).

The computer lab at the HDH site is located on Jonson 1 (capacity of 6 people).

*Please note that these rooms have a required maximum capacity (listed above) due to COVID-19 restrictions. Physical distancing and masking protocols should be adhered to while in these spaces.