Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there so many courses assigned to me?

The courses assigned to you are determined by your position and department. These assignments are determined by experts in the organization and have buy-in from KHSC leadership. If you believe that you have been assigned a course in error, please reach out to your manager and contact @email.

Why are you integrating the hospitals?

The two Boards chose this direction as way to provide better, more integrated acute care for patients and families. This is an exciting, progressive approach to providing care. Many of our patients receive care at both HDH and KGH and we believe that the more closely we work together, the better experience we will deliver for patients, families and staff. There will also be the added benefit of a reduction in duplication between the two sites. For example, we will only need to produce one Quality Improvement Plan, one budget and undertake one accreditation process to name just a few examples.

Why are you integrating the hospitals?

The two Boards chose this direction as way to provide better, more integrated acute care for patients and families. This is an exciting, progressive approach to providing care. Many of our patients receive care at both HDH and KGH and we believe that the more closely we work together, the better experience we will deliver for patients, families and staff. There will also be the added benefit of a reduction in duplication between the two sites. For example, we will only need to produce one Quality Improvement Plan, one budget and undertake one accreditation process to name just a few examples.

Why are you integrating the hospitals?

The two Boards chose this direction as way to provide better, more integrated acute care for patients and families. This is an exciting, progressive approach to providing care. Many of our patients receive care at both HDH and KGH and we believe that the more closely we work together, the better experience we will deliver for patients, families and staff. There will also be the added benefit of a reduction in duplication between the two sites. For example, we will only need to produce one Quality Improvement Plan, one budget and undertake one accreditation process to name just a few examples.

Why do I need to verify my SIN number to the Total Rewards team?

To ensure that our records are accurate, we must verify the SIN number that was initially provided to us matches what is on your card. In order to do this you must do one of the following:

  • Send a scan or photo of your SIN card to the Total Rewards team at @email


  • Bring your SIN card to Watkins 4 at the KGH site and verify it with one of the Total Rewards Assistants
Why do I need to verify my SIN number to the Total Rewards team?

To ensure that our records are accurate, we must verify the SIN number that was initially provided to us matches what is on your card. In order to do this you must do one of the following:

  • Send a scan or photo of your SIN card to the Total Rewards team at @email


  • Bring your SIN card to Watkins 4 at the KGH site and verify it with one of the Total Rewards Assistants
Why do I need to verify my SIN number to the Total Rewards team?

To ensure that our records are accurate, we must verify the SIN number that was initially provided to us matches what is on your card. In order to do this you must do one of the following:

  • Send a scan or photo of your SIN card to the Total Rewards team at @email


  • Bring your SIN card to Watkins 4 at the KGH site and verify it with one of the Total Rewards Assistants
Why do the pills I get in hospital look different than the ones I have at home?

While in hospital there may be various reasons why your pills look different. The medication may be made by a different company so they look slightly different; the medication may have been substituted with another drug from the same class of medication; or your medication may have been stopped and another drug started for another reason. Do not hesitate to ask your nurse or doctor to give you the name of the medication you are receiving and the reason why.

Why is hand hygiene so important?

The single most common transmission of healthcare-associated infections in a health care setting is via the hands of health care providers.

Health care providers acquire germs from contact with infected patients, or after handling contaminated material or equipment. Hand hygiene is an important practice for health care providers but also involves everyone in the hospital, including patients, families and visitors.

Effective hand hygiene practices in hospitals play a key role in improving patient and health care worker safety, and in preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

Why is hand hygiene so important?

The single most common transmission of healthcare-associated infections in a health care setting is via the hands of health care providers.

Health care providers acquire germs from contact with infected patients, or after handling contaminated material or equipment. Hand hygiene is an important practice for health care providers but also involves everyone in the hospital, including patients, families and visitors.

Effective hand hygiene practices in hospitals play a key role in improving patient and health care worker safety, and in preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

Why is hand hygiene so important?

The single most common transmission of healthcare-associated infections in a health care setting is via the hands of health care providers.

Health care providers acquire germs from contact with infected patients, or after handling contaminated material or equipment. Hand hygiene is an important practice for health care providers but also involves everyone in the hospital, including patients, families and visitors.

Effective hand hygiene practices in hospitals play a key role in improving patient and health care worker safety, and in preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

What can patients do to help improve their own safety?

Hand hygiene involves everyone in the hospital, including patients. Hand cleaning is one of the best ways you and your health care team can prevent the spread of many infections. Patients and their visitors should also practice good hand hygiene before and after entering patient rooms.

More information is available at:

What steps does your hospital take if your hand hygiene compliance rates are too low?

KGH works hard-to create a culture of patient safety involves everyone – health care administration, health -care professionals, and, of course, patients and families. If low hand hygiene compliance rates are identified, we will review infection prevention and control practices to ensure that they align with best practices documents, as well as the Just Clean Your Hands program and introduce educational interventions and make appropriate revisions to our program.

Why are hand hygiene compliance rates reported annually and not quarterly?

For the purpose of public reporting, data will be reported on an annual basis. The decision was made to report annually so that hospitals were able to submit enough data and that the compliance rate was statistically valid.

Do low rates mean that patients have a higher risk of catching a hospital associated infection?

Patients should know that their hospital is safe, that the care they receive is topnotch, and that every effort is made to ensure the highest quality of care possible. Public reporting of hand hygiene compliance rates is another helpful measure to ensure the care provided to Ontario patients is even safer, and continues to improve over time. 

A low reported compliance rate does not necessarily mean that health care providers are not performing hand hygiene. The audit tool measures whether health care providers are performing hand hygiene at the right times and the right way. That is why it is vital that hand hygiene compliance rates are viewed in the context of other performance indicators. That said, the analysis of these rates, over time will certainly provide helpful information that can be used to make system improvements in each hospital.

Does less than 100-per-cent compliance mean the hospital is not safe?

No. Patient safety is a number one priority for all Ontario hospitals. There are numerous checks and balances in place to ensure the safety of public hospitals but hospital care is complicated and depends on many factors. The public reporting of hospitals’ hand hygiene compliance rates is not intended to serve as a measure for hospitals to compare themselves against other organizations, or for the public to use as a measure of where to seek care. Rates can vary from hospital to hospital, month to month. Some hospitals will have lower observation opportunities because they do not have as much direct provider-to-patient care opportunities. Due to the types and patient populations (i.e. mental health) of these hospitals, their rates may seem lower. Like other indicators, it is important to look at hand hygiene compliance rates in a broader context. The rates must be examined in order to get a sense of how hospitals are performing – where they excel and where improvements could be made. It is important to look at all of these indicators in combination.

If hand hygiene is so important, why is compliance not 100 per cent?

Health care providers performing hand hygiene is a practice that continues to improve as we learn more about hand hygiene best practices. Both hospitals and the health care system have invested considerable resources to improve hand hygiene in hospitals.

The Public Health Ontario provincial hand hygiene campaign, Just Clean Your Hands, was designed to help hospitals and individuals overcome barriers to proper hand hygiene and improve compliance with hand hygiene best practices. The program recognizes that health care providers are busy and require immediate access to hand hygiene products at the right time in the patient care process.

At KGH, for example, where sinks used to be located inconveniently throughout hospitals, there is now fast and easy access to more than 2,200 alcohol-based hand rubs outside all inpatient rooms and adjacent to patients’ bedsides. There are also more freestanding hand cleaning stations located at all main entrances. In addition, ongoing education sessions are held to ensure health care providers know when and where to clean their hands to ensure patient safety.

How do you track hand hygiene?

Direct observation of hand hygiene practice is done by trained observers using the provincial audit tool. The observer conducts observations openly, recording what they see, with the identity of the health care provider is kept confidential.

Why is hand hygiene so important?

The single most common transmission of healthcare-associated infections in a health care setting is via the hands of health care providers.

Health care providers acquire germs from contact with infected patients, or after handling contaminated material or equipment. Hand hygiene is an important practice for health care providers but also involves everyone in the hospital, including patients, families and visitors.

Effective hand hygiene practices in hospitals play a key role in improving patient and health care worker safety, and in preventing the spread of healthcare-associated infections.

What is hand hygiene?

Hand hygiene is the removal of visible soil and removal or killing of microorganisms from the hands. This can be accomplished using soap and water for visibly soiled hands or an alcohol-based hand rub.

Why is my whole body in the scanner if you are only scanning my head?

The area of the scanner that creates the images is located in the centre of the magnet and is called the isocentre. Therefore, in order to scan your head most of your upper body will be in the scanner. The same is true when imaging the spine and upper extremities.

Does an above average HSMR mean the care is not good at KGH?

No. The HSMR results should not be used as a guide of choosing where to seek care. A higher than average HSMR result does not necessarily mean that a hospital is “unsafe” – nor does a lower than average HSMR mean a hospital is “safe.” Patients should know that KGH is safe and that the care they receive is top-notch. Every effort – on behalf of everyone serving patients in a hospital – is made to ensure patients receive the highest-quality care possible. Hospital care is complicated and depends on many factors, not all of which are reflected or accounted for by HSMR. That is why many indicators must be examined in order to get a sense of how hospitals are performing – where they excel and where improvements could be made. It is important to look at all of these indicators in combination. To judge performance on only one indicator would be misleading.

Why is the HSMR an important measure?

The HSMR is an overall quality indicator and measurement tool that allows for comparison of an acute care hospital’s mortality rate with the overall mortality rate among peer hospitals and regions in Canada. HSMR has been used by many hospitals in several countries to assess and analyze in hospital mortality rates and to help improve quality of care and enhance patient safety. Ontario hospitals are beginning to use the HSMR for internal benchmarking purposes: to show hospitals how their HSMR has changed, where they have made progress and where they can continue to improve.

Why was a new methodology for calculating HSMR initialized?

Morbidity and mortality patterns are changing. Hospitals, like ours, have implemented a range of initiatives to reduce mortality and improve patient care. As a result, HSMR results across the country have been progressively improving. So, this year, CIHI updated the methodology used to calculate HSMR results. For example, Quebec is now included, more diagnoses are added and a new approach to logistic regression modeling is used.

What are some of the key contributing factors to KGH’s HSMR rate?

The rate reported by CIHI for KGH has included patients whose secondary diagnosis included palliative care. These are patients whose hospitalization was for the purpose of palliative care for the majority of their hospital stay. Because palliative care was not the primary diagnosis, CIHI has included these patients in their calculation for KGH’s HSMR. At KGH, palliative patients accounted for 64 per cent of deaths last year. Without these palliative care deaths, the HSMR would be lower. 

What is the Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR)?

The Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR) is an overall quality indicator and measurement tool used by all acute care hospitals and regions in Canada. HSMR has been used by many hospitals in several countries to help improve quality of care and enhance patient safety.

Why is the HSMR an important measure?

The HSMR is an overall quality indicator and measurement tool that allows for comparison of an acute care hospital’s mortality rate with the overall mortality rate among peer hospitals and regions in Canada. HSMR has been used by many hospitals in several countries to assess and analyze in hospital mortality rates and to help improve quality of care and enhance patient safety. Ontario hospitals are beginning to use the HSMR for internal benchmarking purposes: to show hospitals how their HSMR has changed, where they have made progress and where they can continue to improve.


Why is the HSMR an important measure?

The HSMR is an overall quality indicator and measurement tool that allows for comparison of an acute care hospital’s mortality rate with the overall mortality rate among peer hospitals and regions in Canada. HSMR has been used by many hospitals in several countries to assess and analyze in hospital mortality rates and to help improve quality of care and enhance patient safety. Ontario hospitals are beginning to use the HSMR for internal benchmarking purposes: to show hospitals how their HSMR has changed, where they have made progress and where they can continue to improve.


Why is the HSMR an important measure?

The HSMR is an overall quality indicator and measurement tool that allows for comparison of an acute care hospital’s mortality rate with the overall mortality rate among peer hospitals and regions in Canada. HSMR has been used by many hospitals in several countries to assess and analyze in hospital mortality rates and to help improve quality of care and enhance patient safety. Ontario hospitals are beginning to use the HSMR for internal benchmarking purposes: to show hospitals how their HSMR has changed, where they have made progress and where they can continue to improve.


Does an above average HSMR mean the care is not good at KGH?

No. The HSMR results should not be used as a guide of choosing where to seek care. A higher than average HSMR result does not necessarily mean that a hospital is “unsafe” – nor does a lower than average HSMR mean a hospital is “safe.” Patients should know that KGH is safe and that the care they receive is top-notch. Every effort – on behalf of everyone serving patients in a hospital – is made to ensure patients receive the highest-quality care possible. Hospital care is complicated and depends on many factors, not all of which are reflected or accounted for by HSMR. That is why many indicators must be examined in order to get a sense of how hospitals are performing – where they excel and where improvements could be made. It is important to look at all of these indicators in combination. To judge performance on only one indicator would be misleading.

Why is the HSMR an important measure?

The HSMR is an overall quality indicator and measurement tool that allows for comparison of an acute care hospital’s mortality rate with the overall mortality rate among peer hospitals and regions in Canada. HSMR has been used by many hospitals in several countries to assess and analyze in hospital mortality rates and to help improve quality of care and enhance patient safety. Ontario hospitals are beginning to use the HSMR for internal benchmarking purposes: to show hospitals how their HSMR has changed, where they have made progress and where they can continue to improve.

Why was a new methodology for calculating HSMR initialized?

Morbidity and mortality patterns are changing. Hospitals, like ours, have implemented a range of initiatives to reduce mortality and improve patient care. As a result, HSMR results across the country have been progressively improving. So, this year, CIHI updated the methodology used to calculate HSMR results. For example, Quebec is now included, more diagnoses are added and a new approach to logistic regression modeling is used.

What are some of the key contributing factors to KGH’s HSMR rate?

The rate reported by CIHI for KGH has included patients whose secondary diagnosis included palliative care. These are patients whose hospitalization was for the purpose of palliative care for the majority of their hospital stay. Because palliative care was not the primary diagnosis, CIHI has included these patients in their calculation for KGH’s HSMR. At KGH, palliative patients accounted for 64 per cent of deaths last year. Without these palliative care deaths, the HSMR would be lower. 

What is the Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR)?

The Hospital Standardized Mortality Ratio (HSMR) is an overall quality indicator and measurement tool used by all acute care hospitals and regions in Canada. HSMR has been used by many hospitals in several countries to help improve quality of care and enhance patient safety.

Why was a new methodology for calculating HSMR initialized?

Morbidity and mortality patterns are changing. Hospitals, like ours, have implemented a range of initiatives to reduce mortality and improve patient care. As a result, HSMR results across the country have been progressively improving. So, this year, CIHI updated the methodology used to calculate HSMR results. For example, Quebec is now included, more diagnoses are added and a new approach to logistic regression modeling is used.

Why was a new methodology for calculating HSMR initialized?

Morbidity and mortality patterns are changing. Hospitals, like ours, have implemented a range of initiatives to reduce mortality and improve patient care. As a result, HSMR results across the country have been progressively improving. So, this year, CIHI updated the methodology used to calculate HSMR results. For example, Quebec is now included, more diagnoses are added and a new approach to logistic regression modeling is used.