Emily Leslie
Emily Leslie is a retired nurse with 30 years of experience in health care. She has experience in emergency care, endoscopy, community nursing, hospital bed utilization and quality improvement. Emily also assisted in strategic planning and the development of Operational and Business Plans for the Sharbot Lake Family Health Team.
Leading up to the integration of the Hotel Dieu and Kingston General Hospitals in 2017, as a member of the HDH Board, Emily agreed to serve on the advisory body formed to oversee the activities required to implement the integration of HDH and KGH as a new health sciences centre. As a member of its Joint Steering Committee, Emily helped to inform and guide the deliverables required to support this integration.
From the time of integration until her appointment as a member of the Kingston Health Sciences Centre Board of Directors, Emily played pivotal roles. She was a member of the Partnership Council, a group representing the Hotel Dieu and Kingston General Boards. Her leadership was evident as she served as Vice Chair of the Hotel Dieu Board and Chair of its Ethics, Mission, and Values Committee.
Emily has served on the Research and Education Committee at Kingston General and on the Board of the South East Community Care Access Centre (SECCAC). While serving on the SECCAC board, Emily was Vice Chair of the Patient Safety, Quality, and Risk Committee and served on the Resources Committee.
Emily recently completed a five-year term as KHSC’s cross-appointee to the UHKF board and continues to be a member of the AMHS-KFLA board.
Emily, a dedicated professional, also cherishes her personal life. She resides in Kingston, is happily married, and is a proud parent of six children and eleven grandchildren.