Sherri L. McCullough
Sherri McCullough’s experience in the healthcare sector spans 32 years of volunteer service. Prior to her election as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Kingston Health Sciences Centre in 2023, she served for two years as Vice Chair of the Board and was the inaugural Chair of the Patient Care and Quality Committee as well as serving on the Board’s Executive Committee and, most recently, as a member of the People, Finance and Audit Committee. In other leadership roles, Sherri served as Chair of the Board of Hotel Dieu Hospital.
Over the years, Sherri has been actively involved with the Ontario Hospital Association where she was elected to the OHA Region 2 – Regional Council Executive in 2007 and was later elected to the OHA Board of Directors in 2009. She has completed the OHA’s Health Care Administration course and also received the OHA’s Trustee Level One and Two credentials. Prior to joining the KHSC Board of Directors, Sherri completed her second term as a Board member of the Catholic Health Association of Ontario in 2017. She also serves as a member of the Values Pillar at Catholic Health International and, closed to home, she continues to serve as a RHSJ Associate, a position she has held for more than 27 years.
In November 2010, Sherri McCullough was awarded the Paul Harris Fellowship for her work with Kingston Hospitals. In 2014, she received the University Hospitals Kingston Foundation’s Ian Wilson Award for volunteerism in fundraising. Since 2016, she has chaired the Rose of Hope charity golf tournament in support of the region’s breast care programs focusing on the early detection of breast cancer.