Angela Morin
The experience of supporting my friend Bonnie through cancer and the end of her life dramatically changed my perspective of the health care system. As a result, I found a way to help improve the experience of care for others.
I began as a Patient and Family Experience Advisor at Kingston General Hospital (KGH) in 2011. I have been a member of the Southeast Regional Cancer Centre Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC), Co-Chair of the KGH PFAC and the Patient Co-Chair of the newly integrated Kingston Health Sciences PFAC. I have a particular interest in learning from patient experiences to improve how care is delivered and in the role of patients and families as partners in care.
I have been actively involved with many provincial and national organizations including Accreditation Canada and Health Quality Ontario, and I served as one of the founding members of the Patient Advisors Network (PAN). As a coach, faculty member and Patient Partner for the Canadian Foundation of Healthcare Improvement (CFHI) I have had the opportunity to work with organizations and patient partners from across Canada in developing consistent and meaningful patient engagement practices.
In my current role as Lead for Patient and Family Centred Care at KHSC, I co-chair the KHSC PFAC. I am honoured to work with and support the committed members of this PFAC. Together we learn, we share and we are better.