Marla Rosen

Past co-chair SERCP, Patient & Family Advisory Council member

My husband was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2012. One night sitting in his hospital room…trying to navigate the unfamiliar world of healthcare, learning the language of hospital-speak and struggling to discern where this journey would take us I vowed to make a difference. I wanted to try and make it easier for others who found themselves in similar circumstances. I believed there had to be a way for the system to be more patient and family centered.

That vow led me to becoming a Patient Experience Advisor. It has been the most rewarding, experience I have ever had. It is a lot of work and can sometimes be frustrating because healthcare doesn't change direction on a dime. As an advisor I have played an active part in changing the way healthcare is given and ensuring the focus is on the patient and the family. It has been a very rewarding experience. I sit on many committees throughout the hospital and partner with some amazing staff. I am very proud to have been a part of developing a patient handbook for patients newly diagnosed with cancer, the establishment of a cancer resource center and working on making the emergency department experience a better one for cancer patients.

I really enjoy working with so many wonderful people who truly want to make a difference. Friendships have been formed and I know I have been a part in transforming the patient experience for the better.