Susan Bedell
After 32 fulfilling years working in Queen’s administration, I took early retirement as I had to take the journey that no parent wants to take. At the same time, I was experiencing some serious eye issues. I was overwhelmed. In the end, some highly skilled physicians in Ophthalmology saved my vision and for that I continue to be very grateful. During that difficult journey, I learned firsthand that, in the health care setting, having “skill” at using some pretty impressive high tech laser equipment, for example, is really not “skill” if it is not accompanied by kindness, respect and being able to really listen to the individual in front of you. And, that is the reason I decided to become a patient experience advisor (PEA). As a PEA, among other things, I have been able to found the Exceptional Healer Award – an award that recognizes KHSC health care professionals who demonstrate compassion as skillful clinicians.