What to expect when you arrive

The Kingston Bariatric Centre of Excellence is located on Johnson 3 at our Hotel Dieu Hospital site.

Please bring your valid Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card and check in with our program secretary.

Your first visit to us will be for a general orientation session. After registering, you can go directly to our classroom.

First visit to our Nurse Practitioner or Registered Nurse

This visit will take 45-60 minutes.

Please bring a list of current medications or your medications in their original bottles, as well as a list of over-the-counter medications including vitamins, inhalers, pills, nasal sprays.

Your height, weight and waist circumference will be recorded during this visit and you will have a physical examination.

You will talk about topics such as your medical history, Roux-en-y and gastric sleeve surgeries, preparing for bariatric surgery and possible complications, as well as other available weight loss options.

Please note, you may be asked to complete blood work and an ECG before beginning our program. Please complete these tests as soon as you can as they will need to be reviewed by our Nurse Practitioner before you can start our program.

First visit to our Registered Dietitian

This visit will take 60-90 minutes. Please bring the following:

  • All nutrient supplements and herbal supplements that you currently take
  • A three-day food and beverage diary (written or online version)
  • If you have diabetes, please bring your blood sugar record book
  • If you are having blood work done on the  day of your visit, bring a snack and some water

If you are preparing for bariatric surgery, please note the following:

  • Expect to follow up with the registered dietitian 1 to 4 times after your first visit (visits are 30 - 60 minutes)
  • Expected to make lifestyle changes prior to your surgery, including changing food choices, changing eating habits, coping with problem eating, changing beverage choices and more
  • The registered dietitian will invite you back until you make these changes

If you are preparing for the Medical Weight Management Program please note the following:

  • Based on the information you provide, the registered dietitian may ask you to return for a follow up before the program starts
  • Pre-program workshops run by a registered dietitian are available while you are on the waiting list