Our Prenatal Genetics Program accepts referrals to provide comprehensive genetic counselling and support for pregnant patients with the following:
- Patients with an increased chance of a pregnancy with a genetic diagnosis due to information from their personal medical history, prenatal screening results, or fetal ultrasound findings.
- We also offer services to those contemplating pregnancy in the future with the above indications.
Please note we no longer offer counselling for:
- Consanguinity unless there is an identified genetic diagnosis in the family.
- Ancestry-based carrier screening unless both individuals contributing to the pregnancy are of the same/at-risk ancestries, and the patient is pregnant.
- Patients who have had recurrent spontaneous miscarriages (3 or more).
We are happy to discuss with you the medical, social, ethical, and psychological benefits and limitations of genetic testing.
To learn more, visit the Prenatal Screening Ontario website.
- Click here for the Prenatal Medical Genetics referral form and the Family History form.
- We also accept e-consults through OTNHub. Please consider sending an e-consult if your referral pertains to the management of a diagnosed condition or if you have questions regarding the appropriateness of a referral.
Please feel free to contact our office at 613-549-6666 extension 2800 or toll-free at 1-800-567-5722 extension 2800 if you have any questions.