In some cases, your clinic appointment can be completed virtually – either on the phone or on a video call. A virtual health care appointment is a convenient way to have a health care appointment without having to physically travel to a clinic.

Your appointment slip will confirm if you are scheduled for an in-person, telephone or video appointment.

Telephone appointments

  • You can use a regular telephone or a smartphone for the appointment.

Video appointments 

  • Your video appointment will either be hosted on Microsoft Teams or OTN (Ontario Telemedicine Network).
  • You can use a smartphone, a computer or a tablet for the appointment. 
  • If you are using the Internet for a video call, check your Internet connection to ensure that it is working– a wired connection is often better than a wireless connection.
  • If you have a family member or friend with you, make sure your health care provider knows and can see them.
  • When your appointment is scheduled, you will be sent a link with instructions to access the video call.

Please have the following information with you:

  • Your health card
  • A list of any medications and pharmacy information
  • Information to share, such as blood pressure readings, temperature or weight
  • A list of symptoms
  • A pen and notepad for questions and notes
  • A calendar for scheduling your next appointment

If you are not seeing your regular healthcare provider, it’s good to have:

  • A list of current medical conditions, including chronic illnesses and allergies
  • Your medical history

Privacy and consent

Your healthcare provider may talk about privacy and confidentiality before the appointment, and ask if you consent – in other words, if you are OK to continue with the appointment. If they do not do this, make sure that you ask them to do so.

They will document consent on your patient file. You must also consent if your healthcare provider is sharing your information with a caregiver.

Other ways to maintain your privacy during a virtual appointment: 

  • Choose a quiet, private place where you cannot be overheard.
  • If someone is joining you, make sure you trust them with your information.
  • If you borrow a device, delete any of your information before returning it.