Family, Child and Youth Clinic

The Family, Child and Youth Clinic is located on Brock 5 of Kingston Health Sciences Centre's Hotel Dieu Hospital site. For children and youth under 18 years (and their families), this program offers treatment for anxiety, depression, autism, attention-deficit disorders, behavioural problems, family dysfunction, and other serious mental health concerns that have not improved with previous interventions.

At the initial intake, it is determined which services are required via consultation with a psychiatrist, or psychiatric resident/fellow. Children or youth presenting with urgent suicidal ideation or self-harm, are referred to our Urgent Consult Clinic. Children or youth presenting with eating disorders are referred to our Child and Youth Outpatient Eating Disorders Clinic. Less urgent referrals may be directed to access services from their local community children's mental health providers across southeastern Ontario.

School Programs

This service provides multi-disciplinary support to an elementary and a secondary classroom in the Limestone District School Board.

Students Overcoming Anxiety and Becoming Resilient (SOAR 23) classroom is a section 23 classroom for 8 children in grades 5 to 8. Referrals are accepted from all school boards. Referrals can be made by school staff, family doctors, or the Child and Youth Mental Health Program.

The classroom consists of a teacher and educational assistant. Our staff provide ongoing consultation and support in the classroom. Psychiatry support is provided as determined by the team for assessments, medication management, or brief family interventions. All students are followed as patients in the Child and Youth Mental Health Program.

Contact Information

Phone: 613-544-3400 extension 3406 or 2554
Fax: 613-544-7623
Email: @email

Registration is by referral only. Learn how to make a referral here.