Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) will be able to provide dialysis care to a larger number of patients, closer to home, thanks to a major donation announced today by the Provincial Government.
Hastings-Lennox and Addington MPP Daryl Kramp and Robin Martin, Parliamentary Assistant to Health Minister Christine Elliott, visited KHSC’s Hotel Dieu Hospital site to announce up to $9.9 million in funding for the satellite unit on Friday, March 18.
KHSC current operates a large dialysis clinic at its KGH site as well as a number of smaller satellite clinics around southeastern Ontario. In Kingston, the KGH site clinic has been operating very close to capacity which is currently meeting the needs of more than 200 chronic dialysis patients. However, it’s anticipated that as patient volumes grow into the future, the KGH clinic will be operating at full capacity by mid-2023.
“This is the very definition of good planning for a real future need,” said MPP Kramp. “KHSC demonstrates once again that they understand both the community needs and their capacity to meet them and is moving to ensure there is no gap between need and capacity. The Government is pleased to provide this much-needed funding.”
This funding will allow KHSC to construct a new 10 station dialysis satellite clinic with the opportunity to grow to a 14 station clinic in the future. It’s anticipated this new site will be able to accommodate up to 84 total patients, which will greatly increase KHSC’s ability to care for patients for years to come.
“I would like to extend our sincere thanks to MPP Kramp and PA Martin, as well as the Ministry of Health and Provincial Government for this wonderful investment in kidney care right here in Kingston,” said KHSC President and CEO Dr. David Pichora. “We were extremely excited when we received word that we would be receiving funding to open a new satellite dialysis clinic as the expansion of services in Kingston has been the number one priority for our regional renal program.”
Currently KHSC is in the midst of planning work with our partners at Providence Care to potentially build the new clinic inside their Providence Care Hospital site on King Street and will be in continuing discussions over the next few months. If all goes well, construction could begin sometime in 2023, pending ministry approval.
For more information about dialysis care in Southeastern Ontario, visit our website at: https://kingstonhsc.ca/renal

(L to R) MPP Daryl Kramp, President and CEO Dr. David Pichora and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health Robin Martin announce funding for a new Kingston satellite dialysis clinic.