At our HDH Site

Spiritual Health Services

  • Spiritual support by referral or request before or after surgery, during clinic appointments, times of uncertainty, grief and sorrow
  • One-to-one visits to listen to you in a supportive and non-judgmental way as you talk about your concerns and challenges
  • Crisis intervention
  • Bereavement support
  • Supporting you as you make treatment and care decisions

Support from a Spiritual Health Practitioner

  • The Spiritual Health Practitioner is available Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 
  • Please call 613-544-3310, ext. 2219 to contact or book an appointment with the Spiritual Health Practitioner.

Sacred Spaces

We provide two sacred spaces for quiet reflection, meditation or prayer:

  • Hotel Dieu Hospital Chapel:  Hotel Dieu Chapel --until repairs on Sydenham 2 are complete the chapel is not accessible through the Sydenham 2 entrance.  Please access by following signs to Volunteer Services or ask at Information for a map to the Chapel.
  • Inter-Faith Centre: The Inter-Faith Chapel is not currently accessible.  For those needing a quiet place to pray, meditate, or reflect, please access the staff lounge in the Johnston 1 staff entrance foyer.  Religious books are available for the major faith traditions; information about other faith traditions is available upon request from the Spiritual Health Practitioner at ext. 2219. Human and animal images are prohibited to ensure all faith traditions are honoured in this centre.  We apologize for this temporary inconvenience.