About Wellness @KHSC

KHSC Wellness is designed to equip staff with the tools, information, and resources needed to support and maintain their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Whether you are looking to improve your fitness, manage stress, or find balance in your personal and professional life, our wellness program offers a wide range of support. From healthy living tips and stress-relief strategies to mindfulness practices and mental health resources, there is something for everyone. Explore how you can take action today to start building a healthier, more balanced you.

Contact Us

Receiver with solid fill (613) 549-6666 ext. 4389

Email with solid fill @email

Marker with solid fillKGH –  Armstong 1 or HDH – Mary Alice 2



The content contained within this website is for information and education purposes only and is not intended to substitute professional health advice of any form. Always consult a qualified health care professional before engaging in changes to your current physical activity levels, diet and lifestyle. In addition, this website contains links to content that is external to KHSC Wellness which are not owned, published, or maintained by KHSC Wellness. For this reason, KHSC Wellness does not bear responsibility and makes no representations or warranties about the content and accuracy of the hyper-links or websites hyper-linked within these external websites.