Updated Masking Guidelines at KHSC
Southeastern Ontario has now entered a period of low risk for viral transmission in community and healthcare settings. As a result, we’ve made some changes to our masking guidelines.
What You Need to Know:
- Masks are no longer mandatory in inpatient areas, outpatient clinics, the Emergency Department (ED), Urgent Care Centre (UCC), and Children’s Outpatient Centre (COPC).
- You are welcome to wear a mask if you choose—we support anyone who wishes to continue masking and will provide masks to those who want them. Staff must also wear a mask when caring for a masked patient, whether in inpatient or outpatient settings.
- Patients with respiratory illnesses and/or symptoms, must wear a mask when entering KHSC sites to help protect others.
- Visitors with symptoms are asked to postpone their visit until they are feeling better.
Your safety and the safety of our patients, staff, and community remain our top priority. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Outbreak Information
Current Outbreaks: No outbreaks reported. (Updated as needed)