Jane Fitzgerald
Jane Fitzgerald has an extensive and varied 40-year plus track record of working in executive management roles in government, foundations and non-profit organizations. Jane’s professional history is both broad and deep, having served as Executive Director of Resolve Counselling Services Canada, a Kingston based multi-service mental health agency, as well as Executive Director of the London and Middlesex Children’s Aid Society, Senior Vice-President of Invest in Kids Foundation and Executive Director of Family and Children’s Services, Province of Nova Scotia. Jane also served as Policy Advisor to the Minister of Community and Social Services (Ontario) and led the Ontario Health Innovation Fund of the Premier’s Council’s on Health under two Premiers. Currently, Jane serves as a Vice Chair of the Child and Family Services Review Board and the Child Custody Review Board for the Province of Ontario.
Jane has been a member of numerous non-profit Boards of Directors and committees at a provincial and national level. Currently she is on the board of Kingston Health Sciences Centre. Previously she served on the Board of Trustees of Brescia University College, is a past community Member of the Lawson Foundation, and served on the Child Welfare League of Canada and the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Society Boards, among others. Jane participated on the Child Welfare Advisory Committee to the Alberta Government (2001) and was a member of the Canadian Delegation to the United Nations on the Rights of the Child (2001-2002).