Catheter ablation for supraventricular tachycardia

If your doctor suspects you have Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) you may be referred for testing and potential treatment. You can think of most SVTs as a 'short circuit' within your heart. There are a number of potential locations for this 'short-circuit' and your doctor will explain which area in your heart is most likely the issue.

Catheter ablation is an effective treatment for most SVTs. The procedure involves a diagnostic component and, if appropriate, treatment can be delivered at the same time using catheter ablation. During the procedure, flexible wires will be placed into your heart, through veins in your groin. These wires will record signals inside the chambers of your heart. Catheter ablation provides a cure in over 90 per cent of patients, but it also carries some small risks including a 1 in 100 chance that you may require a permanent pacemaker. Please make sure you ask questions and understand the risks when you meet with your doctor. 

How it works

Each SVT relies on a ‘short circuit’ of the heart’s electrical system. The location of this ‘short circuit’ can vary depending on the type of SVT you have and we will perform some tests that will help locate this ‘short circuit.’
After the diagnosis is made and the location of the ‘short circuit’ is confirmed your doctor will usually begin with the catheter ablation. This means your doctor will heat the small area of tissue causing the ‘short circuit’ using radiofrequency energy. This will create a small scar in your heart and will stop the circuit and cure the SVT. In approximately 1 in 20 patients the ‘short circuit’ can heal up and another procedure may be needed.  

What to expect

  • The procedure is supported by an anaesthesiologist. You will receive an appointment to discuss the type of anaesthesia you will receive. 
  • The procedure will be performed in the electrophysiology (EP) laboratory (lab).
  • When you arrive you will be directed to the Admitting department to register before moving to the catheterization (cath) lab. A nurse will greet you and confirm your identity.
  • The nurse will place an intravenous (IV) line into a vein and check your vitals.
  • You will meet your care team and be asked to sign a consent form to confirm you would like to go ahead with the procedure. At this time you may ask any questions you may have. 
  • You will then be moved on a stretcher to the EP lab.
  • General anaesthetic is sometimes used for this procedure. You will discuss the type of anaesthetic recommended by your health-care team before the procedure begins.
  • The procedure can use a small amount of x-rays so if you are a woman of childbearing age it is important you confirm you are not pregnant. 
  • The procedure will take two to three hours to complete and you may need to remain in recovery for two to three hours before being allowed to go home.
  • Before you are discharged from the hospital you will be reviewed by your health-care team and medications will be discussed with you.