Kingston General Hospital is always looking for new ways we can become a cleaner and greener hospital. To help measure how we are doing, each year we put our environmental performance to the test by participating in the Green Hospital Scorecard that’s run by the Ontario Hospital Association. For the second year in a row, KGH scored a Silver level of recognition.
The Scorecard measures what hospitals are doing to reduce their use of energy and water, generation of waste and pollution and to promote recycling. In total, 104 hospital sites took part from 67 hospital organizations. Just two hospital sites were awarded Gold, 31 hospitals received a Silver, and 63 earned a Bronze.
This year, KGH earned higher marks for our introduction of a new hospital environmental policy that commits us to becoming a green energy efficient hospital.
Another big change was our introduction of energy efficient LED light bulbs in many of our public areas, including the KGH main entrance and Abramsky lobby, the Kidd 1 hallway, and the emergency ramp area. LED lights lower our energy usage and they require less maintenance as they last a lot longer.
The LED lights are brighter but even better, they last longer and save energy and time. I tell everyone we are saving the planet one LED at a time!
— George Giles, KGH electrician.
The scorecard also helps bring into focus areas where hospitals can look to improve. At KGH we will now be focusing more on bumping up our recycling rates.
“We can always do more so we are encouraging everyone at KGH to recycle when possible using the new recycling bins installed around the hospital, and to remember to turn off lights and equipment that’s not being used,” says Allan McLuskie, Director of Facilities Management and Maintenance.
Over the past five or so years, energy saving projects at KGH have resulted in a 16 per cent net reduction in our utility budget, which adds up to $800,000 per year that we can redirect to patient care. We're also using the equivalent of 30 Olympic-size swimming pools less water each year thanks to our new low-flow toilets, sinks, and other water fixtures.
To learn more about our ongoing efforts to modernize our facility, equipment and technology to support Outstanding Care, Always read the Enabling High Performance section in our KGH Five Year Strategy Report.

The brighter KGH main entrance and Abramsky lobby after the installation of new energy efficient LED light bulbs.