Patients, visitors and staff at Kingston General Hospital (KGH) got a real surprise when they looked out of their windows earlier this week. Suspended in mid-air were Batman, Superman, Spiderman and friends coming down the side of the hospital cleaning the windows.
The kids were definitely thrilled by the unexpected treat as beloved superheroes hung out to say hello. Some of them rushed to the windows to wave ecstatically, while others blew kisses and reached out for a high-five.
“KGH approached us with the idea of dressing up for the pediatric patients who are on the top floor of the hospital. We all thought it would be fun and were definitely willing to help out,” said Chris Stoness one of the owners of Elite Window Cleaning and Batman in his spare time. “When we came over the side I don’t think any of us were prepared for the impact it would have on us, we are so honoured to be able to put that smile on their faces.”
"The giggles and laughs you heard from the hall made the whole day worth it," said Marcia McFarlane, Supervisor for the Maternal/Child floor who had the idea of doing this at the hospital. "Children admitted to hospital often feel vulnerable and powerless. This made them feel powerful.”

'It was awesome!' said patient Luke Carter, who was moved from critical care to the other side of the hospital to witness the fun.
What started out as a neat idea for pediatric and oncology patients soon turned into an event that left big smiles on everyone gathering at the windows and on the ground below to watch. These smiles have now traveled around the world as images from the event have been shared on social media and news outlets in places as far away as Australia (Sydney Morning Herald “Best of the world photo gallery”) , in the UK (BBC news article) and here in Kingston (Station 14 video).
These memories will last a lifetime, not just for the kids but for everyone involved—no one will forget the day they saw super heroes doing their chores.

Kids waved ecstatically, blew kisses and reached out for a high-five.

It's a good thing superheroes aren't afraid of heights.

Suspended in mid-air super heroes seen at the hospital cleaning the windows.