For 30 years, Mario Lelievre was an aerospace control operator, or AC Op for short, with the Canadian Armed Forces.
It’s a challenging role with a number of responsibilities.
AC Ops help manage air traffic at Royal Canadian Air Force bases using sensor systems like radar, they also provide ground control instructions, record flight plan information, respond to emergency situations, and so much more.
“I wanted to do my part and serve my country. I relished the challenges of every single day, teaching me camaraderie, teamwork, respect, and leadership.
“I travelled the world for 30 years. There’s no life like it. Where do I sign up again?” smiles Lelievre.
Lucky for us after serving for three decades, he joined Paladin Security and became a security guard with Kingston Health Sciences Centre’s (KHSC) Protection Services department.
For the last nine years, he’s been applying some of those same skills he mastered as an AC Op to his current role.
“Being a security guard at Hotel Dieu Hospital is full of surprises, every day is different. Timing is everything and communication is prerogative. Without it, our jobs would be arduous, resulting in delays.
“We’re often called to de-escalate situations, respond to codes and help whoever needs assistance. We play a significant role by maintaining a safe environment for all and enforcing KHSC rules.”
A born leader, he also takes new recruits under his wing.
“My colleagues and I are a team, and we take pride in our work. Training or mentoring new team members gives me the opportunity to initially mold them based on my experience, integrity and wisdom, all required tools for success.
“Helping others on a daily basis is gratifying. Patient- and family-centered care is imperative to me because the health-care system is going through a hard time now. Working together in the same direction toward our goals, we can accomplish miracles.”
And that’s why we’re grateful for people like Lelievre and the entire Protection Services team, who work around the clock to ensure anyone who walks into a KHSC site is safe and well protected.