Mindful Moments

Step into Mindful Moments at KHSC, where we invite you to explore the core of psychological health and well-being. 

Imagine a workplace where every member feels secure and emotionally supported, creating a foundation of psychological strength.

Mindful Moments Logo

Aligned with the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace (the Standard), our commitment focuses on 15 pivotal psychosocial aspects. These include psychological protection, protection from moral stress, psychological support, and more, all of which contribute to a flourishing workplace.

Prioritizing mental wellness isn't just individual; it's a collective win for KHSC, enhancing job satisfaction, team morale, and connection to our mission. Let's collaboratively build a culture of positivity, kindness, and support.

Check out the links below for more information:

Mental Wellness Resources
Mindful Moments Tip Sheets
Mindful Moments Blog

Uncover the intricacies of the 15 Factors influencing psychological health and safety at KHSC. Join us as we shine a spotlight on a specific factor, delving into ways to spark change and offer support for ourselves and our colleagues. Explore the dynamic world of mental wellness with us!

Take a look at the links below to read past Mindful Moments blog posts:

Daily Actions for Happiness (only accessible via KHSCNow)

Discover daily inspiration, staff members click the link and log in  KHSC Now Staff Central

Kindness Chronicles: Cultivating a Positive and Grateful Atmosphere to Shape KHSC Culture (only accessible via KHSCNow)

To sustain this uplifting environment, share your success stories and personal journeys or shout out to something positive at KHSC. Click here and log in to be part of spreading positivity throughout KHSC.

PHS Resources for Leaders

Discover resources to support your mental wellness and ways to promote psychological health and safety for your teams. Click here for more info.

PHS Resources for Staff

Check out these resources and tip sheets to support your mental wellness and those of your colleagues and patients. Click here for more info.