Graeme Smith
- Clinician-Scientist, KGHRI
- Professor and Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Queen's University
- Pregnancy complications as a marker of future maternal health
Dr. Smith completed a combined MD/PhD at the University of Western Ontario in 1992 under the supervision of Dr. John Patrick. He subsequently obtained his FRCSC in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Queen’s University in 1997 and completed sub-specialty training in Maternal-Fetal Medicine at the University of Toronto in 1999 before joining the faculty at Queen's.
Dr. Smith is a member of the Maternal-Fetal Medicine Division and is the Professor and Head of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology at Queen’s University and is cross-appointed to the Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences and Imaging Services.
Dr. Smith divides his time between high-risk obstetrics, clinical/basic science research and as the director of the Clinical Investigator Program for the School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences at Queen’s University. He has cross-appointments to the Departments of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences and Imaging Services.
He has set up the Queen’s Perinatal Research Unit (Basic Science and Clinical research laboratories). Dr. Smith is the recipient of a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) New Investigators award, a Premier’s Research Excellence Award, the Queen’s University Faculty of Health Sciences Basmajian Research Award and the Queen’s University Chancellor’s Research Award. He is the Principle Investigator for the CIHR and HSF funded Pre-eclampsia New Emerging Team (PE-NET). His primary research interests pertain to adverse pregnancy outcomes as a marker of future maternal health. He developed The MotHERS Program (Mothers Health Education, Research and Screening) and website (www.themothersprogram.ca) to improve maternal health and outcomes.
MD/PhD, University of Western Ontario
FRCSC, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Queen’s University
Dr. Smith runs the Queen's University Perinatal Research Unit, which has a basic science laboratory and a clinical research/clinical trials group. The current focus of both his basic and clinical research is on adverse obstetrical events, specifically related to pre-eclampsia.
Current research themes include:
1. Examining adverse pregnancy outcomes as a marker of future maternal health. Dr. Smith has developed The MotHERS Program (Mothers Health Education, Research and Screening) and its website to improve maternal health and outcomes.
2. Exploring effects of carbon monoxide gas inhalation on the utero-placental environment. Dr. Smith has active research projects aimed at elucidating the role of carbon monoxide exposure and maternal risk for, and symptomatic presentation of pre-eclampsia.