Peer Partner Program

The KHSC Peer Partner Program is about people helping people and supports KHSC's goal to foster an environment that promotes psychological well-being in the workplace. Addressing mental health problems on your own isn't easy and the stigma itself can sometimes make it uncomfortable to ask for help from those you might usually access like your Manager or your Union. Peer Partners offer an alternative option for support when dealing with a variety of situations including mental health problems or situations causing emotional distress.

We Are All In This Together

The Peer Partner program has proven to be an excellent first step in implementing strategies to empower, encourage, create a sense of community, and most importantly, provide resources to help individuals and families navigate through the pandemic and into recovery.

While Peer Partners are not counselors or mental health experts, they are trained to provide confidential emotional first aid to assist staff in overcoming barriers to getting the help they need.

What a Peer Partner can do for you:

  • Private, non-judgmental and empathetic listening and encouragement
  • Immediate and individualized access to peer partner and other resources in the hospital and community
  • Short and long term mental health interventions and resources
  • Reduce stigma on mental  
  • Reduce feelings of isolation and community building

Meet your Peer Partners:

Beverly Weaver - @email

Kathryn Reid - @email

Orlana Bourgoin – @email


To become a Peer Partner please contact:

Orlana Bourgoin

Workplace Mental Wellness Practitioner
