October marks Cervical Cancer Awareness week and to help bring attention to the importance of cervical cancer screening, the Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario along with partners will be offering free pap smear clinics for women between the ages of 21 - 70, without the requirement of a health card or family doctor.
Known as a “Pap Party” these free clinics will be running during Cervical Cancer Awareness week, October 16-19th and will be held at communities across southeastern Ontario.
“For women who do not have a family physician, the Pap Party events are a great opportunity to be screened for cervical cancer in a fast, supportive and convenient fashion,” says Dr. Hugh Langley, Regional Primary Care Lead and a physician at Kingston Health Sciences Centre. “The pap smear takes just 10 minutes and can detect minor, easily treatable changes in the cervix, well before any cancer can develop.”
Now in its third year, the Pap Party clinics are staffed by Queen’s University medical students and Obstetric/Gynecological residents under the guidance of Dr. Julie Francis, a physician with Kingston Health Sciences Centre.
“Having these Pap Party clinics is an important measure in trying to reduce the incidence of cervical cancer,” says Dr. Francis. “A pap is the most effective screening tool we have to reducing cervical cancer by more than 80 per cent in women and by opening it to women who may not have a family doctor, OHIP card, or may be overdue for their pap smear, we are making it easier than ever for them to get screened.”
Last year, 15 per cent of the pap smear tests done at these clinics showed abnormalities that required further follow-up with a physician.
“As a result of those women taking 10 minutes out of their day to have a pap smear done, we were able to follow-up with them and offer treatment right away, saving them time, stress and worry down the road,” says Dr. Francis.
This year the Pap Party clinics will be in:
October 16th, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Kingston Health Sciences Centre - Kingston General Hospital site, Burr 2
October 17th, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
October 18th, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
October 19th, 5:30 pm-7:30 pm
Having an OHIP card or family doctor is not required and child minding will be available on site for each of the Pap Party clinics.
To book an appointment at the Deseronto, Kingston or Napanee clinic contact:
Rachel Lavendar
613-544-2631 x 7802
To book an appointment at the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory location contact:
Hannah Hill
613-967-3603 x 166

Dr. Julie Franis consults with a patient for a Pap Party clinic