About Us

The Kingston General Health Research Institute (KGHRI) is a federally incorporated, not-for-profit, health sciences research institute. KGHRI is the research arm of the Kingston Health Sciences Centre. The Institute is committed to cultivating patient-oriented research, building innovative partnerships and pursuing excellence in research through collaboration.

KGHRI provides operational oversight, expertise, guidance and support for all research occurring at both sites of KHSC (Kingston General Hospital site and Hotel Dieu Hospital site). This assistance  enables our clinicians, research scientists, allied health professionals and their staff, students and trainees to design and conduct health sciences research within the  hospitals’ footprint.   


The KGHRI was established as the Kingston General Hospital Research Institute in September 2010 and became operational on April 1, 2011.  The creation of the Kingston Health Sciences Centre on April 1, 2017, comprising the former KGH and HDH, resulted in the KGHRI changing its name to the Kingston General Health Research Institute.  The Institute originally had operational research oversight for hospital-based projects occurring at the KGH site only; the Hotel Dieu Hospital Kingston Research Institute (the other research arm of KHSC) had operational research oversight for hospital-based projects occurring at the HDH site. On June 1, 2019 operational research oversight for hospital-based projects occurring at the HDH site was transferred to the KGHRI, which is now the only research arm for KHSC.

Our Mission

We create and advance knowledge that brings evidence into practice for the benefit and empowerment of our patients, their families and our medical community.

Our strategic priorities

  • Cultivate excellence in focused areas of research and education by increasing the number of outstanding scientists and trainees
  •  Invest in facilities and infrastructure to enable collaborative and multi-disciplinary research
  • Increase external research funding
  • Translate research into novel and effective therapies, treatments and best practices
  • Increase the dissemination and commercialization of new knowledge
  • Champion the creation of a Kingston Health Sciences Research Institute with our partner institutions

Our Board of Directors   

Our Officers 

  • Alan Cosford - Chair, KGHRI 
  • Dr. Steven Smith - Secretary, KGHRI 

Administrative Staff 

  • Ronnie Lloyd - Recording Secretary, KGHRI