Construction work on the ramp leading up to the Emergency Department at Kingston General Hospital (KGH) has ended, and the entrance to the Emergency Department has returned to its regular location as of 8:00 a.m. on Wednesday October 28.
The Emergency Department access ramp, located off of King Street West, was closed earlier this month as the hospital began work to repair the asphalt, as well as the heating system under it that melts snow and ice through ther winter months. This work was completed two days ahead of the original project schedule.
"We would like to thank our patients and their families, our staff, and our community partners for their support over the last month,” says Julie Caffin, Program Director, Emergency, Cardiac and Critical Care. “Working together, we were able to ensure that patients in need of emergency care could continue to access the department with little disruption.”
During the construction, the entrance to the Emergency Department was temporarily relocated to the Armstrong wing of KGH, located off Lower University Avenue. Now that the project is complete, the Armstrong entrance has returned to normal use as an entrance for the various outpatient clinics in that area of the hosiptal. Also, Lower University Avenue has returned to a two-way roadway for traffic as well.

KGH Emergency Department ramp renovations are complete and access to the deparmtent via King St. West restored.