Self-assessment health tools

Here are links to organizations offering questionnaires and tools designed to assess mental health concerns. These tools are intended to help you reflect on your current feelings or experiences to determine if further evaluation might be helpful. Please note that these resources do not provide a diagnosis but can guide you in deciding whether additional assessment is necessary.

These tools are provided for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional advice. Always consult your doctor or a qualified healthcare provider regarding your specific situation.

The following links direct you to external websites that are not managed or monitored by us or our affiliated companies.

Self-Screening: Mental Health

If left untreated, anxiety and depression can have significant effects on an individual's ability to function, impacting their thinking, mood, behaviour, as well as their physical well-being. Perform an online self-screening today to help determine if you or someone you care about may be suffering from a mental illness.

Self-Screening: Addictions

A common misperception about addictive illness is that those affected by it are somehow weak or lack the willpower to control their use. The truth is, that addictions are serious illnesses that affect many Canadians. Use these tools to help determine if you or someone you care about may have an addiction.

Self-Screening: Problem Gambling

Problem gambling, whether it involves sports betting, scratch tickets, cards or poker, can interfere with your relationships and your work and can have serious financial consequences. Use these tools to help determine if you or someone you care about may be affected by problem gambling.

Self-Screening: Tracking your Mood

There are various apps for those suffering from anxiety, depression, worry, panic, perfectionism, social anxiety or phobias.  We have also included a quick video on how to defeat negative thinking.