Leadership development

Our goal is to build leadership capacity and bring forward a strong and capable leadership culture. There are two foundational and guiding principles informing the KHSC Leadership Strategy:

  • That leadership is a dynamic relational behavior not confined by a position or authority and therefore employees at all levels can develop their capacity to lead.
  • That leadership develops in a never-ending journey of self-examination, reflection, action, feedback, learning, sharing and coaching. Therefore the development program is designed in a way to support the journey each and every day for the duration of your time at KHSC.

We enable our strategy through a multi-level, self-directed leadership development program we call LIFT (Leadership Innovation for Tomorrow).

Why Innovation?

The use of the word innovation in the title speaks to the adaptability and breadth of our program.

It is a framework that can adapt to any strategy, any level of leadership, and to any sector or industry. It is structured yet there is enough “play” to suit any organization at any given time, facing any given challenges.

The need to reinvent ourselves overtime continually is a requirement of a resilient sustainable system. Our Leadership Development Program is one such system.

Objectives of LIFT

LIFT will support our leaders in robust and compelling ways. The overall objectives of LIFT are as follows:

  • Ensure that the supports and resources are in place to help leaders develop and grow into their own leadership development path
  • Create meaningful and purposeful learning experiences that focus on individualized leadership development needs
  • Create quality leaders that can actively enable KHSC to become a high-performing organization