SE IPAC Hub and Spoke

As part of the province’s comprehensive plan Keeping Ontarians Safe: Preparing for Future Waves of COVID-19, local networks of IPAC expertise (IPAC Hubs) are being developed across the health system, which have been asked to work to enhance IPAC practices in community based, congregate living organizations/settings. These organizations/settings include:
Through these new province-wide networks, you will be able to access IPAC expertise, collaborative assistance and just-in-time advice, guidance, and direct support on IPAC practices.
IPAC Hubs will work in coordination with Hub partners (including local hospitals, public health units, Public Health Ontario and others) to deliver the following services based on local needs and priorities, including but not limited to the following:
As part of the province’s comprehensive plan Keeping Ontarians Safe: Preparing for Future Waves of COVID-19, local networks of Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) expertise (IPAC Hubs) have been developed across the health system.
The role of the IPAC Hub is to build IPAC capacity in congregate living settings. The local IPAC Hub serves to provide IPAC expertise for both prevention and response in the following ways:
Any community based, congregate living settings can access the services of their local IPAC Hub. Congregate living settings include: long-term care homes, retirement homes, shelters, residential and supportive housing funded by the Ministry of Health and residential settings for adults and children funded by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services.
There is no fee for obtaining services provided by the IPAC hub.
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The local IPAC Hub will work in coordination and collaboration with its partners, which includes Public Health Units. This collaborative partnership will ensure that congregate living settings will benefit by receiving a variety of IPAC services related to local needs.
The IPAC Hubs have been developed solely for the purpose of providing IPAC services/consultations to congregate living settings. IPAC Hubs are not responsible for enforcement action. They are mandated to provide IPAC expertise, guidance, and ongoing IPAC support and consultation to congregate living settings.
Local Public Health is responsible for outbreak management and responding to reportable diseases. Annual audits of long-term care and retirement homes and participation on an IPAC committee are conducted by the Public Health.
The IPAC Hub serves the purpose of strengthening IPAC practices within the facility by reaching out directly to offer training, consultations, and recommendations. The IPAC Hub will work to build communities of practice across each region and provide educational supports. The IPAC Hub can complement and build on the IPAC support offered by the local Public Health Unit.
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