Influenza virus
Influenza virus
Government of Canada

The outbreak of Influenza at KGH has been declared over. However, influenza is still present within our region.

Family members and visitors to patients are asked to delay their visit if you they have had a fever within the last 72 hours or are experiencing a cough or muscle aches.

If you have a scheduled appointment, you should still attend those appointments unless you are experiencing these symptoms.

Our staff continues to take all necessary precautions to manage the spread of the Influenza virus  and to care for cases that require admission to hospital. These include rigorous infection control precautions, environmental and equipment cleaning protocols and vigilant hand hygiene practices.

Patients, family members and other visitors to KGH can help minimize the spread of influenza by following these guidelines:

What you should know:

  • Delay your visit if you are feeling unwell in any way or have had a fever within the last 72 hours
  • Clean your hands every time you enter and exit the hospital
  • Clean your hands before entering and upon exiting a patient’s room
  • Follow all infection control precautions if the patient you are visiting is identified as needing them – you can ask a member of the health-care team for assistance or clarification

For more information on Influenza, please visit KFLA&A Public Health at