Laser Therapy treatment

During this treatment your doctor will use a laser, which is a small high energy beam of light, to evaporate the abnormal cells or dysplasia. During the laser treatment, everyone in the treatment room will be required to wear a mask and special goggles. These will be provided by the nurse.

There are two types of laser treatment offered at KGH. They are:

  • Laser of the cervix
  • Laser of the vulva 

You can read more about both treatments below. You can also read our brochure here

Laser of the Cervix

During this treatment procedure will be positioned as you would for a Pap test and a speculum will be inserted into your vagina so that the doctor can look at the vcervix with the colposcope. A vinegar or iodine solution will be applied to the cervix to help them see the abnormal cells. The doctor will freeze the cervix with a local anaesthetic, similar to the ones used by your dentist. Please let us know if you have any allergies before the treatment begins. You may begin to feel cramps in your lower abdomen.

The doctor will direct the laser beam through a colposcope and onto the abnormal area to remove the abnormal cells. 

At the end of the treatment, the doctor will apply a thick yellow paste to your cervix to help stop any bleeding. A tampon may also be used to help control any bleeding. The tampon can be removed about four hours after the procedure is complete.

We will ask you to rest for five to ten minutes after the procedure, then you can get dressed and return to light activities.

Recovery Instructions

  • Initially there may be no bleeding or discharge until the paste is absorbed or falls off the cervix. If the paste falls off, it will pass through your vagina. The colour may be dark yellow, brown, black and similar to coffee grounds
  • You may then have a small amount of bleeding or discharge for 3 - 4 weeks as your cervix heals.  The discharge may be pink to dark red, brown or black.  This discharge should be no heavier than a normal period.  When the bleeding stops, you may have a yellow discharge for up to 10 days
  • Use pads  - change them frequently  to prevent infection and monitor bleeding. -
  • Do not use tampons or menstrual cup
  • You may have some mild to moderate period-like cramps for 1 - 2 days.  Take Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen for any discomfort as directed
  • No heavy lifting or exercising for 4 - 5days after your treatment but you can resume your other usual activities
  • Shower or bathe as usual.  Do not douche until the vaginal discharge stops.
  • Do not have sex until the discharge stops - approximately 4 weeks.  If you have vaginal bleeding after sex, do not have sex for 7 more days.
  • You should have your period at your regular time.  Your next 2 periods may be heavier than usual
  • Continue to take any birth control pills or medications as usual

Getting help after treatment

If you have any questions or concerns after your treatment is complete, please call the Colposcopy nurse between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 613-548-6073.

If you experience any of the following symptoms following your treatment, go to the nearest hospital emergency department or urgent care centre

  • Chills or a temperature greater that 38.5C or 101 F
  • Vaginal bleeding with clots that are bigger than a dollar coin and soaking through sanitary pads every hour
  • Severe abdominal cramping or pain that becomes worse even after taking acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) as directed
  • A severe itch or foul smelling, yellow vaginal discharge

Follow-up appointments

We will ask you to return to the colposcopy clinic for a follow-up so that we may complete another colposcopy exam and Pap smear. Your doctor will tell you when they wish to see you. Please arrange your follow-up appointment before leaving the clinic.

Laser of the Vulva or surgical removal of vulvar lesions

During this treatment procedure will be positioned as you would for a Pap test and a speculum will be inserted into your vagina so that the doctor can look at the vulva with the colposcope. A vinegar or iodine solution will be applied to the cervix to help them see the abnormal cells. The doctor will freeze the cervix with a local anaesthetic, similar to the ones used by your dentist. Please let us know if you have any allergies before the treatment begins. You may begin to feel cramps in your lower abdomen.

The doctor will direct the laser beam through a colposcope and onto the abnormal area to remove the abnormal cells. You generally will not require stitches after the treatment is completed. However, if you require an excision of the abnormal area, stitches may be used to close the area.

We will ask you to rest for five to ten minutes after the procedure, then you can get dressed and return to light activities.

Recovery Instructions

  • It will take two to three weeks for your vulvar area to heal after this procedure. Until it fully heals, you will have discomfort in the area similar to that of what it feels like to have a surface ‘burn’ on your skin.
  • Soak the area for 10 minutes in a clean sitz bath or tub two to three times per-day. You do not need add anything to the water. Pat dry with a clean towel or dry the area with a hair dryer on low warm setting.  Do not rub and clean the sitz or tub after each use. You should continue to do this until you no longer feel any discomfort from the procedure.
  • Apply ‘Polysporin Complete’ to the area as often as needed after the treatment. This antibiotic/anaesthetic ointment that can be purchased over the counter from any pharmacy and makes the area feel numb and helps prevent infection.
  • Apply a cold compresses to the treated area to help with any swelling or burning that you may experience.
  • Try to keep the area dry and open to the air as much as possible. You should not wear tight clothes, jeans or pantyhose if possible after the procedure. Do not wear under garments if possible while at home. If you do need to wear undergarments, use ones that are made of 100 per cent cotton. Do not let anything rub on the area.
  • After using the bathroom, clean the area with a clean damp cloth and pat dry.
  • Do not have sex until the area is completely healed.
  • Please take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) as directed for up to 14 days if needed
  • You may have little or no bleeding after the procedure. If your doctor used stitches to close the area, they will tell you what kind of stitches they have used. You may need to come back to the clinic to have your stitches removed. 


If you have any questions or concerns after your treatment is complete, please call the Colposcopy nurse between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at 613-548-6073.

If you experience any of the following symptoms following your treatment, go to the nearest hospital emergency department or urgent care centre

  • Pain that is severe or becomes worse even when you take acetaminophen or ibuprofen as directed
  • Bleeding that is more than spotting
  • Foul smelling discharge
  • A fever greater that 38.5 C or 101 F
  • The area is very itchy


You will need a check-up in 6 to 8 weeks. Please arrange your follow-up appointment with the receptionist before leaving the clinic. At this appointment the doctor will check to make sure you are healing and progressing normally.