KHSC staff with an Accreditation Canada surveyor
Matthew Manor/KHSC

Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) has been awarded Accreditation with Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada. The designation is the highest award possible through the hospital accreditation program.

Accreditation is an ongoing process of assessing health care and social services organizations against rigorous standards of excellence to identify what is being done well and what needs to be improved.

KHSC earned its Exemplary Standing by meeting 100 per cent of Accreditation Canada’s Required Organizational Practices (ROPs), critical quality practices that ensure safe, quality patient care. ROPs are categorized across six safety areas: safety culture, communication, medication use, infection control, work-life/workforce and risk assessment. 

In addition, KHSC scored a 99.3 per cent compliance rate on 3000-plus best-practice global standards that ensure service excellence in patient safety, medication management, infection prevention and control, leadership and governance, and more.

“This is an outstanding result that KHSC staff, physicians and volunteers achieved even as they were challenged like never before by a pandemic, staffing shortages and unprecedented surge and flow issues in our health-care system,” says KHSC President and CEO Dr. David Pichora.

“Whatever comes our way, KHSC is an organization that steps up to the highest standards of safe, quality patient care every day. Passion, pride and commitment to exemplary service are embedded in our DNA and it is wonderful to be recognized for that commitment and hard work.”

In announcing its decision, Accreditation Canada singled out numerous KHSC strengths, including innovation that supports transformative patient care, clear commitment to integrated quality and safety plans, broad involvement of patient experience advisors, solid relationships that support local and regional collaboration, and a remarkable response to the COVID-19 pandemic that has unfailingly served our hospital, community and region.