Eight world leaders in Patient and Family Centred Care were at our hospital last week.

Staff and advisors from the Georgia Health Sciences Health System (GHS) were here on a mission. Over two days they held workshops with our staff and physicians to share what they've learned over the years.


Daryl Bell, lead on our patient and family centred care initiative, said one of the important take-aways from the sessions was the difference between “patient and family centred care” and “patient and family focused care”.

“In focused care we do things ‘to' and ‘for' our patients and families. In centred care we do things ‘with' our patients and families,” says Bell. “At KGH, we do an excellent job of providing “focused” care and we are becoming better at partnering with patients and families to provide “centred” care. KGH has a lot to be proud of and it's only going to get better.”

We are now a provincial leader, if not a national leader, in partnering with patient experience advisors. Their voice is heard whenever staff and physicians meet to make decisions affecting patient care.

There are now 164 advisory positions across the organization being filled by our patients and families.