Follow along on Twitter for a behind-the-scenes look at some of the research happening at KGH
Follow along on Twitter for a behind-the-scenes look at some of the research happening at KGH
Matthew Manor

Every day researchers at KGH are busy working to create breakthrough technologies and innovative solutions aimed at improving the health of millions of people world-wide.  This week, we are inviting the Kingston community to learn more about this work by following along on a unique virtual tour that takes place entirely on Twitter.

All day Thursday, May 5 and Friday, May 6, KGH along with our partners at Hotel Dieu Hospital, Providence Care and Queen’s University will be hosting a Virtual Research Showcase. This showcase will be live-tweeted using the hashtag #onHWS, and will include photos and video clips from a variety of research facilities throughout our local hospitals and at Queen’s University.

The tour is part of the “Healthier, Wealthier, Smarter” campaign being run by the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario (CAHO) and it’s focused on demonstrating how research hospitals are helping to make people in our province healthier, while also generating economic benefits and attracting world-class research talent to Ontario.

“This virtual tour is an exciting opportunity for our staff and community to see firsthand the work going on inside our local research hospitals,” says Theresa MacBeth, Director of Strategy Management and Communications and co-chair of the CAHO campaign. “Kingston is a small city making a global impact. This is our chance to showcase our research teams in action and profile the work they are doing to improve the lives of patients and families everywhere.”

This virtual tour is just one of many stops for the CAHO campaign across the province. The two-day tour begins on Thursday, May 5 at 9:30 a.m. and ends on Friday at 4 p.m.

Some highlights include:

  • The Maternal Health Clinic at KGH to learn about the work underway to explore how a woman’s pregnancy can be used to help screen for potential future heart disease.
  • A demonstration of how new technology for breast cancer surgery is helping surgeons target and remove cancerous tissue with pinpoint precision to preserve healthy tissue.
  • A tour of the new Providence Care state-of-the-art hospital that will combine mental health, palliative care and rehabilitative care.

There will also be stops at the Respiratory LACEP lab, the Environmental Exposure Unit, the Cancer Research Institute, the Human Mobility Research Centre, the Laboratory for Percutaneous Surgery and more.

Everyone who works, learns and voluteers at KGH is encouraged to follow along with the tour and take part by asking questions using the hashtag #onHWS through Twitter. A detailed tour schedule and additional information can be found at