Welcome to KGH Connect, our virtual community for people who want to stay involved with and connected to life at Kingston General Hospital.

In 2009 and 2010, we reached out to over 2,000 people in the Kingston community to start a conversation about how we could transform the patient and family experience at KGH. The feedback received helped shape our KGH 2015 strategy for achieving Outstanding Care, Always. Many said that they want to continue being involved with KGH.

In order to meet people’s growing interest and expectations, keep the community informed about what we’re doing, and provide more effective ways for people to have meaningful input into our organization, we are taking a bold step forward. We are creating a virtual network whereby anyone who wants to have a relationship with KGH can join and take part in a variety of activities to stay connected with KGH both electronically and in person.

Membership to our virtual community, KGH Connect, includes:

  • No annual membership fee—it’s free to join
  • Invitations to special events to deepen knowledge of different aspects of life at KGH
  • E-updates on news and developments at KGH and our regional healthcare system
  • Quarterly hospital performance reports
  • Access to videos and blogs containing news and educational content from KGH leaders
  • Opportunities to share your thoughts and opinions through surveys and social media

We sincerely hope that you will participate in this change by joining KGH Connect – simply click the ‘Join’ button at the top of this site and register to become part of our virtual community.

We welcome your input and advice on how to make KGH the best it can be, and we look forward to having you join us and be part of the conversation. We are eager to hear your feedback once you have had a chance to be part of what we hope will be an exciting new chapter for KGH.