Mental Health Facts

1 in 5 adult Canadians suffer from a mental health disorder, but many will not get the help they need due to a fear of being judged or treated differently. Many times, the stigma itself is worse than the symptoms of the illness. Get the facts. Find out what help is available. Speak up and put an end to the stigma.

Did you know?

  • Chances of having a mental illness in your lifetime in Canada: 1 in 5
  • Percentage of Canadians who will experience a major depression in their lifetime: 8%
  • Percentage of Canadians who will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime: 12%
  • Likelihood that people with mental illness will commit violent acts: No greater than the general population
  • Likelihood of women experiencing depression: 2 times that of men
  • Read more about Mental Illness and Addiction in Canada

Want to learn more? Check out these resources for more information: