Clinical Trials
Infusion area, part of the Clinical Investigation Unit, W.J. Henderson Centre for Patient-Oriented Research.

Click on the department links below to find researchers actively conducting clinical trials:
Emergency Medicine
Gastrointestinal Diseases
Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Pathology & Molecular Medicine
Erb, Jason
Gilron, Ian
Ho, Anthony
Mark, David
Parlow, Joel
Saha, Tarit K.
Van Vlymen, Janet M
Emergency Medicine:
Sivilotti, Marco Leonardo Alfonso
Baranchuk, Adrian M
Ellis, Anne K
Evans, Gerald Anthony
Fitzpatrick, Michael
Francis, Julie
Garland, Jocelyn S
Heyland, Daren Keith
Holden, Robyn Leslie
Jalink, Diederick
James, Paula D
Jin, Albert Y
Lougheed , M Diane
Melanson, Michel
Michael, Kevin
Matthews, John
Muscedere, John G
Nadjafabadi Farahani, Pendar
O'Donnell, Denis Eunan Mary
Pal, Raveen
Parfrey, Brendan
Pari, Giovanna
Paterson, William G
Redfearn, Damian Paul
Reid, Stuart E
Simpson, Christopher S
Swain, Gordon
Viola, Ray
Yeates, Karen E
Obstetrics & Gynaecology:
Harvey, Marie-Andree
Martin, Vickie
Reid, Robert
Smith, Graeme Neil
For Oncology clinical trials, please contact Stephanie Willing, Manager, Oncology Clinical Trials
@email or call 613-549-6666 x6641
Baetz, Tara
Biagi, James
Booth, Christopher
Brundage, Michael
de Metz, Catherine
Dudebout, Jill
Engel, Jay
Falkson, Conrad
Francis, Julie
Gregg, Richard
Hay, Annette
Kumar, Vikaash
Mahmud, Aamer
Mates, Mihaela
Nanji, Sulaiman
Owen, Timothy
Robinson, Andrew
Tomiak, Anna
Zaza, Khaled
Dow, Kimberly E
MacDonald, Elinor Athen
Mackenzie, Jennifer
Moore, Andrea
Silva, Mariana
Pathology & Molecular Medicine:
Rauh, Michael
Bardana, Davide
Bicknell, Ryan
Borschneck, Daniel
Lau, Rick
Pichora, David
Rudan, John
Wood, Gavin Campbell
Leveridge, Michael
Nickel, J Curtis
Siemens, David Robert
Steele, Stephen S
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