About the program
The Stem Cell Transplant team is always working to improve your quality of care.

The stem cell transplant program at Kingston General Hospital is dedicated to:
Our program is involved in research at the local, national, and international level. We are dedicated to contributing to research that moves the field of stem cell transplantation forward.
For more information on the research that team members at Kingston General Hospital are involved in, visit the KGH Research Institute here.
The Stem Cell Transplant Program at Kingston General Hospital strives to stand by the hospital motto of Outstanding care, always. Quality improvement initiatives are projects that analyze and measure our work with the goal of improving patient care. These projects are always underway in our Program. Our Program has a committee that discusses quality improvement initiatives and standards. The committee includes members from the departments involved in stem cell transplants.
The Stem Cell Transplant Program is working toward becoming accredited through the Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT). FACT Accreditation is an international standard for cellular therapy. Many stem cell transplant programs across the world strive to be FACT accredited. Even though KGH is a smaller transplant centre, the program continues to strive to be part of the top transplant centres in Ontario.
Another initiative underway is looking at offering outpatient autologous stem cell transplants. This means that patients living or staying close to Kingston General Hospital could receive their stem cell transplants as an outpatient with daily visits to the hospital. Patients could live at home, instead of the hospital, during their recovery. They would still have access to 24 hour emergency care if concerns arose.
The Stem Cell Transplant Program at Kingston General Hospital works with other transplant and laboratory centres in Ontario. The Program works in partnership with Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa. Our Program also has a working relationship with The Ottawa Hospital, a larger transplant centre that offers other types of stem cell transplants.
The Stem Cell Transplant team is always working to improve your quality of care. Through staff education and program development, efforts are always being made to deliver you the best care possible. We understand the challenges of your journey and are here to support you each step of the way. We are dedicated to providing excellent care and to improve the quality of your stay.
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