Le programme de chirurgie du Centre des sciences de la santé de Kingston (CSSK) vise à fournir des soins exceptionnels à toute la population du sud-est de l’Ontario. Nos chirurgiens et le personnel des salles d’opération sont spécialement formés et possèdent une expertise dans onze domaines distincts : chirurgie générale, chirurgie orthopédique, chirurgie plastique, neurochirurgie, chirurgie cardiovasculaire, urologie, gynécologie, otorhinolaryngologie, chirurgie dentaire, chirurgie vasculaire et chirurgie thoracique.
Étant donné qu’il s’agit du plus grand programme de chirurgie de la région, il se peut qu’un autre hôpital vous dirige vers le CSSK si l’intervention chirurgicale dont vous avez besoin n’est offerte qu’à cet endroit. Nos équipes de chirurgie effectuent les interventions les plus complexes du sud-est de l’Ontario. Vous serez donc entre de bonnes mains.
Surgeons at KHSC are now performing robotic-assisted thoracic surgery in the southeast
For the first time in southeastern Ontario, it is now possible for patients to have surgery to remove cancerous tissue from their lungs using a robotic surgical system that is part of the A.B. Smith QC Robotics program at Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC).
This minimally invasive procedure, in which surgeons use controls at a nearby console to guide a robotic system inside the body, means patients experience less pain and blood loss and spend less time in the hospital compared to other surgical approaches.
Process improvements have helped reduce the length of time patients stay in the hospital after scheduled joint surgeries by nearly 50 per cent
Dr. Bob Connelly isn’t usually on the receiving end of care at Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC). As the medical director of the pediatrics program, he usually spends his days caring for KHSC’s youngest patients.
After finding out he needed surgery and waiting nine months for a total hip replacement surgery, in April, Dr. Connelly got to experience the surgical program’s process improvements firsthand.
In just a few short years, surgical teams in Kingston have leapfrogged their peers, becoming the highest-volume robotic colorectal surgery program in the country.
Officially launched in 2018, the A.B. Smith QC Robotics program at Kingston Health Sciences Centre (KHSC) now regularly completes between 80-110 robotic cases a year for individuals with rectal cancer, double the number performed in larger cities across Canada.
Nous contacter
Consultations préopératoires
Brock 1
Site de l’Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu
166, rue Brock, Kingston (Ontario)
613 544-3400
Centre des admissions d’un jour
Connell 2
Site de l’Hôpital général de Kingston
76, rue Stuart, Kingston (Ontario)
613 549-6666, poste 3454
Pour toute question concernant votre opération, y compris la réservation d’une date ou l’annulation, communiquez avec le bureau de votre chirurgien.